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BrumLETS: More Information

BrumLETS: Exchange goods and services without money!
LETS (Local Exchange Trading Scheme) enables people to trade services without exchanging money. People join a non-profit making club to exchange services, using their own local currency and accounting system. A directory of goods and skills is made available to all members - services offered can range from darning to computer skills, babysitting to counselling. Members trade with each other whenever they wish, and record their transactions on the BrumLETS website. Members who don't have ready access to the Internet can use paper cheques and send them to the Hearts Treasurer to be entered on the system.

Local Currency:
There are many LETS schemes throughout the country, and each has its own local currency. In Birmingham, our currency units are called Hearts (as Birmingham is the "Heart of England"). When you come to advertise your services, we recommend a rate per hour which is equivalent to the minimum wage but you are free to set your own rate, or put -neg- to indicate a negotiable rate, although many groups encourage members to place equal value on all services, from accounting to cleaning. There is no "financial" penalty for having a 'minus balance' on your LETS account (unlike mainstream banking, where people are charged fees and interest for going overdrawn), but a member of the Core Group may contact you to help you find tasks.

The BrumLETS Members' Website:
Once you have joined, you will receive a membership number and password that will give you access to the members-only area of the BrumLETS website. On the website, you can: update your contact details and personal information • enter details of the skills and goods you wish to offer • search the services and goods offered by other members • make hearts payments for services and goods received • give feedback on services and goods received • find contact details for other members • check your hearts account balance and trading history • view other members' balances and trading history

Making a Trade:
When you've found a service or item for sale that you're interested in, you contact the person who has placed the offer and negotiate the "deal". Once the service has been completed to your satisfaction, you log in to the website, and pay the provider the agreed number of Hearts. You can also leave feedback, which will be visible to all other members. Don't forget that you don't need to be in credit to trade!

How We Keep in Touch:
The system generates a weekly email informing members of any new or updated offers and wants - members can also opt to have this sent on a daily basis, or switch it off, by editing their personal information via the My Profile link on the sidebar. We have a Core Group of active and experienced members who help with the running and development of LETS; members can approach them for advice, and can discuss new ideas with them. Members can also organise or advertise local events and create them as "Offers" in the Events category. If the the Core Group includes a Newsletter editor they will keep the News & Events page updated and may also include details of forthcoming events, in a regular newsletter.

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