Join Brum LETS

BrumLETS is being relaunched as a network to cover the West Midlands, supported by LETSlink and a local Steering Group. If you would like to join, please read the Members' Agreement and complete this form with care.

Your Name:
Organisation/ Centre/ Project (if any):
Street Address: Village/neighbourhood:
Town/borough: County/city:
Postcode: Country:
Primary Phone Number: Secondary Phone Number:
Website (if any):
Most importantly, your EMAIL ADDRESS:

I have read the Constitution and Members' Agreement and agree to abide by it. I agree to respect the confidentiality of other members of BrumLETS. I do not object to my membership and account details being held on computer or other appropriate records, and I consent to the distribution of these details to other members.

I understand that subscriptions are free but am happy to send an exchange-donation.
Until BrumLETS re-establishes its bank account, please send direct to LETSlink UK - link to Payment Page.

Your message, with any additional information about your circumstances or information about your organisation, centre or project, any key offers and wants, your aspirations for participating in BrumLETS and whether - you are willing to be a contact for BrumLETS in your area.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When you click the SEND MESSAGE button below an email of the above information will be sent to the BrumLETS office. If you have the facilities to print the form (go back on the browser without refreshing and it should still be there), please do so, and sign the printed copy and post it with my cheque to the address quoted above.

About BrumLETSMore InformationFAQsConstitutionAgreementApplication Form